Welsh Government launch £10 million plan to develop energy projects

September 2024 | Featured, Rural policy

The Welsh Government have announced a capital grants programme worth £10 million to aid in the development of Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES) across the country. Community energy organisations, social enterprises, public sector bodies, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are all eligible to make applications for the grant. The Government is keen to encourage applicants to develop innovative projects that aim to combine energy production and storage methods as well as developing the energy infrastructure that exists in their area.

The Cabinet Secretary for the Economy and Energy, Ken Skates, said:

‘This £10 million grant scheme is pivotal in our efforts to decarbonise Wales’s energy supply and ensure the benefits of this transition are felt within our communities.

With energy costs contributing to the current cost of living crisis, these projects can reduce the need for large scale energy infrastructure and develop a more resilient local energy system.

I strongly encourage interested parties to seize this opportunity and apply for the funding. Together, we can lead the way to a greener, fairer Wales.’

The aim is for the Welsh Government to study the funded projects carefully in order to better understand the advantages for communities provided by such projects and help Ynni Cymru to refine systems and improve provision. Ynni Cymru was established by the Welsh Government in 2023 with the aim of ensuring that the benefits of energy production are retained locally and to promote local ownership of energy assets. To make an application and for more information, follow this link to register for a special seminar that will be discussing the scheme on 12 September.

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