Wellbeing Economy Cymru Festival of Ideas to look at how to transform the Welsh economy

October 2024 | Featured

a tall yellow building with perfored walls against a blue sky

The first Wellbeing Economy Cymru Festival of Ideas will be held next month on Monday 18 November at Swansea Arena. The aim of the festival is to bring those who work in the fields of sustainability, economic development, community provision and social services in Wales together in order to challenge and transform the ways in which we think about the economy, its purpose and possibilities. The organisers are keen to highlight practical steps that could be taken to transform Wales’s economy to one that prioritises wellbeing.

A number of public bodies and institutions have come together to organise the festival including WE Cymru, Cwmpas, Oxfam Cymru, Public Health Wales, 4theRegion and the Future Generations Commissioner. Among the speakers will be Kate Raworth, the author of ‘Donut Economics’ and Derek Walker, the Future Generations Commissioner.

The event is open to everyone, and you can find more information and book a ticket for free by following this link: https://bit.ly/WECymru2024.

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