Third Bwrlwm ARFOR Forum announced

June 2024 | Arfor, Featured, Rural policy

The third Bwrlwm ARFOR forum has been announced by Lafan, with the meeting being held on 26 June 2024. The forum is an opportunity for individuals who have an interest in in ARFOR project and the future of Welsh speaking communities to take part in a conversation to discuss their experiences, what’s happening on the ground in their community and to hear some of the latest developments from others involved in the project. It can be a good opportunity to network and to learn more about the latest regarding the variety of projects supported by ARFOR and the institutions, businesses and individuals who are living and working in our Welsh speaking communities to ensure their future.

The meeting will feature a presentation by Trefi SMART Towns Cymru, which is a scheme run by the Welsh Government to promote the use of technology to solve community needs.

The Forum will be held virtually over Zoom, and there is a welcome for anyone with an interest to attend. The meeting will be held through the medium of Welsh. If you wish to attend the forum, you can get more information and a link to the meeting by contacting

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