The Welsh Government announces changes to TB testing

June 2024 | Featured, Rural policy

selective focus photography of cow

The Welsh Government have announced changes to how tests for TB in cattle are to be held following discussions with farmers. In a statement, Huw Irranca-Davies, Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs that the process will be simplified, claiming that this would not risk further spread of the disease.

Huw Irranca-Davies said:

‘Since my appointment in March, I have made a point of meeting farmers, vets and others across the industry to listen to their concerns around TB and the burden and anxieties these can cause.

I’m pleased to be able to announce today that further changes – which have been made in response to industry feedback – are now in place.

Recognising the impact on farmers, their families and their businesses is at the forefront of my mind.

Last month I accepted all the Technical Advisory Group’s advice regarding the on-farm slaughter of TB reactors.

We have worked alongside APHA and already implemented changes to the management of pregnant cattle.

Our programme for eradicating Bovine TB is centred around partnership working with our farmers and vets, this is crucial to reaching our shared goal of a TB-free Wales.’

The statement comes ahead of Davies speaking as a guest of honour in the British Veterinary Association Welsh dinner.

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