Rural Wales Local Policy and Innovation Partnership to hold event at the Royal Welsh Show

July 2024 | Cymru Wledig LPIP Rural Wales, Featured, Rural policy

a horse standing in the middle of a field

The Rural Wales Local Policy and Innovation Partnership (Cymru Wledig LPIP Rural Wales) have announced that they will be conducting a workshop in the Royal Welsh Show in order to discuss the project with those that are interested in learning more about the aims of the project.

The scheme, which is being led by academics from Aberystwyth University, is inviting individuals involved with rural businesses, councillors and those that have an interest in economic development to take part in a discussion about rural growth. The organisers are keen to learn from those in attendance what are their priorities in terms of growth and what challenges do they see impeding growth.

The event will be held in the Abersytwyth University Pavillion between 9:30 and 10:45am on 23 July 2024. Spaces are limited but you can book a place by e-mailing


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