New Ysgol Treferthyr building opens in Cricieth

September 2024 | Arfor, Featured

The new Ysgol Treferthyr Building in Cricieth is ready to welcome pupils for the first time as the autumn term gets underway this week. The new eco-friendly building is opening following and £8.8 million investment by Cyngor Gwynedd and includes multipurpose classrooms, a purpose-built hall for activities that will be available for use by the community and a multi-sport space. The new school was jointly funded by the Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme, the Childcare Offer Capital Programme and Additional Learning Needs, Welsh Government.

The building has amenities for early year provision and child care that will allow education and care for pre-school aged children as well as an after school club for primary school aged children. The ABC Center which shares the site with the school, provides and assessment space for children with additional learning needs.

The Head of Ysgol Treferthyr, Dylan Roberts, said:

‘We are all looking forward to the next exciting period as we move to Ysgol Treferthyr’s new premises. There are great resources here that are suitable for the twenty first century. The pupils are looking forward to settling into their new classes which are named after local rivers in the Eifionydd area.

As a school we are extremely grateful to everyone who has contributed to getting the school ready. We are extremely lucky to have such a special building for our school. We look forward to providing education and creating unforgettable experiences for the children of Ysgol Treferthyr at our new site.’

Councillor Beca Brown, Cyngor Gwynedd’s Cabinet Member for Education, said:

‘I am sure that the pupils of Ysgol Treferthyr and their families are very much looking forward to settling into their new school. The old building was dated and no longer fit for purpose, so I share the excitement of the local community about all the modern resources that are in the new school, and the great educational opportunities that will be available to the pupils.

I am grateful to everyone who has worked hard to reach this milestone, and I wish the children and all the staff the best in their new school.’

Lynne Neagle AM, Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Education said:

‘It is fantastic we have been able to support this new school. The use of green technology is important to me as by building sustainable schools we’re providing for the future.

Combined with great teaching and learning, these state-of-the-art facilities can help ensure that our children get the best education possible and I hope it will help the learners and wider community to thrive.’

You can take a look at the new school and its facilities in a special video by following this link.

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