National organisations and stakeholders come together at ‘Working Together for a Better Wales’ event

October 2024 | Featured

On Thursday 19 September, at Canolfan S4C Yr Egin in Carmarthen, representatives from statutory bodies, third-sector organisations, and community-focused groups from across Wales—and as far afield as New Zealand—convened for the Together for Change ‘Working Together for a Better Wales’ national open meeting.

The event was planned with the HEIs in Wales, attracted over 70 attendees, and focused on maximising the impact of action in local communities through collaboration and resource-sharing.

The day began with a presentation on the findings of ‘Better Together – research on perspectives on gaps in the system’, Together for Change’s recent independently commissioned research. The research, based on user-led interviews and Together for Change’s consultations of 30 community groups and organisations across Wales, highlighted critical gaps in the current support structures for grassroots organisations. Participants candidly discussed challenges they face in supporting communities to live well and how these gaps could be addressed.

The event and outcomes of the research, facilitated rich discussions across various sectors, raising crucial questions about how Wales can secure resources, better collaborate, and drive positive change at the community level. Parallel thematic sessions explored people power through research, data to support place-based action, and building capacity through collaboration, offering practical insights and examples from successful initiatives.

Reflecting on the day’s discussions, Jessie Buchanan, CEO of Together for Change, said:

“Today has been a truly inspiring example of how much we can achieve when we come together. The energy in the room was incredible, with so many passionate voices from every corner of Wales—and beyond—contributing their insights and ideas. What stood out was the shared commitment to find new ways to support our communities, particularly as we face increasing challenges. I’m excited about the future collaborations that will emerge from this event and confident that by working together, we can create real, lasting change.”

Throughout the day, attendees demonstrated a strong commitment to working together more closely in the future. Discussions were marked by a collective desire to challenge traditional approaches and create sustainable, place-based solutions for community development. Many agreed that by joining forces, more could be achieved.

As part of the closing session, participants reflected on key messages from the day, including how to accelerate impact and secure the resources needed for progress. There was a clear sense of unity in the room, with many pledging to continue the conversations beyond today and work towards a stronger, more resilient network of community and anchor organisations in Wales.

A report summarising the discussions and outcomes from the day will be shared in the coming weeks, alongside a follow-up from Together for Change to explore future collaborations. For further information, please contact Jessie Buchanan at

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