Meat Promotion Wales encourage farmers to take part in red meat survey

September 2024 | Featured, Farm to fork, Rural policy

Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales have encouraged farmers to voice their opinion as part of a survey looking at the challenges the red meat industry in Wales is currently facing. The aim of the ‘Farmer Intentions Survey’ is to understand the effects of these challenges on farming businesses in Wales and improve Hybu Cig Cymru’s understanding of industry members’ business plans in order to shape future discussions.

In a statement, Glesni Phillips, HCC’s Intelligence, Analysis and Business Insight Executive said:

‘Rising inflation and increasing farm input costs have significantly challenged the agricultural sector in recent years and made decision-making more complicated for Welsh farmers. To better understand these issues, we have compiled a survey to assess the current situation.

This is the third ‘Farmer Intentions Survey’ that HCC has held. It allows us to gather up-to-date information and build a sector-wide picture of the challenges that farmers face and how these vary from year to year.

The results of the first survey showed that worries around farm input costs were high, and it was feared that low scanning rates, as a result of bad weather, would impact on flock numbers in the following year.

However, last year’s survey results revealed that pressures on Welsh flock numbers had lifted slightly, and that farmer fears over input costs had eased. There was a considerable improvement in producer intentions.

In order to continue with this research, we would like to see farmers from across Wales completing the new survey so that we can explore the latest challenges within the sector and consider how farmers’ intentions are likely to impact the future. This will help us, and the wider industry, to prepare and produce forecasts for the year ahead on stocking levels and the availability of red meat for consumers.’

Those who take part in the survey have the chance to win a £50 meat voucher. The online survey is open until 23 September 2024 and you can take part by following this link.

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