EVENT: rural poverty – towards a strategy for mid and west Wales

March 2024 | Featured, Rural policy, Rural poverty

Date: 28/04/24
Time: 1:30 – 3:30pm
Location: Emlyn Hotel, Newcastle Emlyn

A public meeting hosted by Cefin Campbell MS, to discuss a draft strategy for tackling rural poverty in Mid and West Wales.

Cefin Campbell MS said:

“We know that our rural communities are facing a number of structural challenges, which have been exacerbated by the current cost of living crisis. In this context, we need to find new and creative solutions to long-term issues.

“That is why I have been working over the last few months to outline a new strategy to tackle rural poverty. I am keen now to share a draft of this strategy, to discuss it, and get your feedback on it.

“I am inviting you, therefore, to join a public meeting to discuss our rural poverty strategy for Mid and West Wales. Expert panellists will respond to the draft strategy, and it will be followed by an opportunity for reflections and contributions from the floor.”

This event will be held on Thursday, 28 March, at the Emlyn Hotel, Newcastle Emlyn, between 13:30-15:30.

You can book a place to attend here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/cefincampbellasms/1184898

This event will be held in Welsh and in English.


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