Cyngor Gwynedd to consider changes to the local voting system

July 2024 | Featured, Rural policy

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Cyngor Gwynedd have announced that they are conducting a public consultation to seek out public opinions on changing the voting systems in Council elections. Currently, councillors are elected by a first past the post system. The   Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 allows councils to choose one of two voting systems for local elections, the current first past the post system known as the Simple Majority System or the Single Transferable Vote System which is a more proportional system.

In a statement, Cyngor Gwynedd’s Cabinet Member for the Corporate Support Department Menna Trenholme said:

‘We want to hear the views of the people of Gwynedd and everyone registered to vote here has the opportunity to complete a short questionnaire.

As part of this consultation process, we are also gathering the views of Gwynedd’s community councils, town councils and the city council.’

The consultation will be open between 15 July and 15 September 2024. Councillors will then study the evidence and come to a decision on the matter in a special meeting of the Full Council in October 2024.

You can find out more about the changes and  take part in the consultation by following this link to Cyngor Gwynedd’s website.

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