Cyngor Gwynedd introduce new scheme to get to grips with homelessness

September 2024 | Featured

Cyngor Gwynedd have announced that they will introduce a ‘Housing First’ scheme and have appointed the homelessness charity The Wallich to lead the service. ‘Housing First’ schemes operate by providing houses for the homeless straight away and then providing any extra support as its needed.

According to Cyngor Gwynedd, almost 1,000 people presented as homeless in the local authority during the year 2023-24, many of them with complex mental health and drug and alcohol needs as well as a history of offending.

By offering a house to the homeless immediately, the aim is to help individuals break the cycle that can be worsened after being placed in emergency accommodation, then temporary accommodation before finally finding permanent accommodation. The idea is that providing a permanent and safe home enables case workers to provide intensive help and support that is tailored specifically to help those individuals that need it. The scheme is funded by Cyngor Gwynedd by means of the Welsh Government’s Housing Support grant that will allow case workers to support 20 homeless individuals in the county.

Councillor Craig ab Iago, Cyngor Gwynedd’s Housing and Property Cabinet Member, said:

‘The Housing First model uses the home as a starting off point, rather than the end goal, and allows people experiencing homelessness to receive support that is suitable for their own particular needs in a safe and stable living space.

I welcome this new initiative and look forward to the Council partnering with The Wallich to provide the best opportunities for people experiencing homelessness in Gwynedd to rebuild their lives.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to tackling homelessness, with each case and story being so unique – this method is part of a multipronged strategy by Cyngor Gwynedd to try to prevent, defeat and end homelessness in the county.’

Sophie Haworth-Booth, Strategic Operational Lead for The Wallich, said:

‘The Wallich opened Wales’s first Housing First scheme more than 10 years ago – and it works! We’re incredibly excited that our team can now share their expertise to support people with a housing need in Gwynedd. A roof over someone’s head is the first step out of homelessness, it’s the crucial wrap around support which also keeps people in their home for the long-term. We cannot wait to see the positive impact the new service will have on the local community.

To learn more about the scheme, follow this link to The Wallich’s website.



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