Aberystwyth University to host webinar exploring best practice for promoting minority languages in the workplace

September 2024 | Arfor, Featured

Aberystwyth University have announced that they are hosting an online workshop to discuss best practice in regards to minority languages in the workplace. The aim is to do this by looking specifically at the Basque Country to see what we in Wales, and particularly those involved in the ARFOR programme, can learn from experiences of experts using and supporting the use of Basque in workplaces there. On Friday 20 September 2024 Dr Elin Royles will welcome experts and academics from the Basque Country to discuss different aspects of linguistic best practice in workplaces there.

The workshop is part of the university’s work with Wavehill on the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning work stream of the ARFOR programme, with the aim of fostering better understanding among stakeholders, academics and policy makers in Wales regarding the types of steps that can be taken to enable and support the use of Welsh in the workplace.

Among the speakers are:

  • Dr Auxkin Galarraga, University of the Basque Country: The Corporate Linguistic Responsibility model
  • Pablo Suberbiola, Soziolinguistika Klusterra: Aldahitz and the Eusle Methodology
  • Galder Lasuen, Euskalit: Good practice on language management in the Basque Country
  • Leire Okaranza, FAGOR – The FAGOR experience

The event will be held between 12:30 and 14:30 on Zoom. To make an application to attend the event and for any further enquiries, send an email to ear@aber.ac.uk.

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