Aberystwyth University to benefit from funding by Jeff Bezos

June 2024 | Featured

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Aberystwyth University have announced that they are a part of an international team that will benefit from a grant of $30 million by the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos. The Bezos Earth Fund grant has been awarded to a project under the leadership of Imperial College London to discover ways of making international food systems more sustainable. The Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein will research food production methods such as precision fermentation, cultivated meat, bioprocessing and automation, nutrition, and AI and machine learning.

Dr David Bryant from the Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS) at Aberystwyth University said:

‘It’s fantastic to be a key partner in this new centre. We know that feeding a growing global population in a sustainable way is central to the world’s efforts to combat climate change.

Protein is essential to human health; without it our cells, tissues, and organs can’t function. As the global population expands, the health of both humans and the planet will increasingly depend on widespread availability of proteins that taste good and are produced in ways that reduce emissions and protect nature.

Working with the agri-food industry, we can use this investment to help steer and accelerate the path to net zero.’

More information regarding the project can be found on Aberystwyth University’s website.

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