Arsyllfa joins ERCA

July 2023 | Featured

Arsyllfa is very pleased to announce from the Royal Welsh Showground that we have joined ERCA the European Rural Community Alliance as an associate member. ERCA started originally as an informal network back in 2004, before becoming an organization in 2009. In 2013 two movements united under the name European Community Alliance or ERCA.

The aim of the Group is to Support rural communities in Europe, by means of their national and regional movements in the name of developing connections across the continent and ensuring a strong position for rural communities by co-operation and joint action. Their aim is to see strong rural communities across Europe united by a network that works in their interests and tries to ensure a good life for rural people governed by their democratic will.

Arsyllfa’s team is very pleased to be able to be a part of this pioneering and important movement, and we hope to be able to contribute to the conversation and share perspectives from Wales with our European colleagues as we continue our work.

To learn more about ERCA and their wider aims, you can find more information on their website.


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